ERPNext Version 15 Install in Production Mode - Nginx Supervirsor Gunicorn
This is a continuation ( ) and part of a series. The explanation can be found on
----- NOW deploy it in production mode - on nginx server -------
Use the command below to remove bench watch ( it actually checking any js or css file changed, and rebuilding the bench. On production disable it to remove unnecessary resource utilization. If you change any file use the command "bench build" )
sed -i '/^watch: bench watch/ s/^/# /' Procfile
Also, you need not have bench start on production mode. Gunicorn will handle it
sed -i '/^web: bench serve --port 8000 --noreload/ s/^/# /' Procfile
Let us install nginx and supervisor at his stage
sudo apt install nginx supervisor
Change the ownership to erpgulf user for supervisor service. Otherwise it will fail to restart whenever you are doing an update.
sudo vim /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
Under [unix_http_server] section and also under [supervisord]
uncomment or add chown=erpgulf:erpgulf
Setup supervisor and nginx for Frappe.
su erpgulf ( if you are not already in that user , use whoami command to check )
cd /opt/bench/frappe-bench/
bench setup supervisor --yes
bench setup nginx
Copy setup file from bench folder to supervisor/nginx conf.d folder
sudo ln -s `pwd`/config/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf
sudo ln -s `pwd`/config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf
Remove the standard nginx sites. To avoid conflict and to avoid security vunlerabities
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Make changes on site_config.json ( inside site/site_name folder )
vim /opt/bench/frappe-bench/sites/xxxx-site_name/site_config.json
To make it non-development mode
"developer_mode": 0,
sample below.
"db_name": "_7beb69e70202137e",
"db_password": "GiZeZxy4GPxfTzFA",
"db_type": "mariadb",
"developer_mode": 0,
"encryption_key": "iVahvGBPKPWWYQwqyxxxxxx7dMazzSX4SEClEtDzdQ=",
"host_name": "",
"user_type_doctype_limit": {
"employee_self_service": 10
Restart supervisor and nginx servers
sudo systemctl enable supervisor
sudo systemctl enable nginx ( You may encounter an error " unknown log format "main" , please see the Note-1 to know how to handle )
Make sure both supervisor and nginx working
service supervisor status
service nginx status
( Result will have a line with Active: active (running) since )
Open the browser. Now you can see the portal on standard http port
Next step is Letsencrypt and SSL
It's explained here
Note 1: *
If you face problem with nginx because of log type error ( log type main not found or something like that )
sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add following on http section.
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

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Assets don't load after all these steps. It works but Assets dont load, you see only html in the browser. I tried bench build and it failed.
After creating symbolic link, in the destination folder it is creating empty file, hence eventually telnet to localhost also is refusing. Got stuck at this steup, after creating when I open frappe-bench.conf from /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ it is empty. Please help me.............
Copy setup file from bench folder to supervisor/nginx conf.d folder sudo ln -s
/config/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/frappe-bench.conf sudo ln -spwd
/config/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/frappe-bench.confIf I faced an error like " 502 Bad Gateway error | Nginx/1.18.0(ubuntu) " will it be solved when I add this V
sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add the following on HTTP section.
logformat main '$remoteaddr - $remoteuser [$timelocal] "$request" ' '$status $bodybytessent "$httpreferer" ' '"$httpuseragent" "$httpxforwardedfor"';