Creating Custom print formats. A walkthrough - Part - 1

Creating Custom print formats. A walkthrough This is an explanation and source for the video on our youtube channel with same title.

 · 4 min read

Professional Invoice Design: 27 Samples & Templates to Inspire You

Creating Custom print formats. A walkthrough

This is an explanation and source for the video on our youtube channel with same title. ( Link here )

1- A simple HTML

<p>Hello </p>


color it

<p style="color:blue;"> Hello </p>

3-Add CSS



color: blue;

background-color: yellow;

font-style: italic;



<p class="mycss"> Hello </p>

4- Jinja ( template engines )

<p class="mycss"> Now time is : {{}} </p>

5-Variable on Jinja

{% set greeting = "Hello How are you" %}

<p> {{ greeting }} </p>

6-Condition on Jinja

{% set age = 10 %}

  {% if age >= 18 %}

   <h1>You are an adult.</h1>

  {% else %}

   <h1>You are a minor.</h1>

  {% endif %}

7- For condition on Jinja

{% set items = ["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"] %}

   {% for item in items %}

    <li>{{ item }}</li>

   {% endfor %}

8- Get something from Frappe


9- Get invoice number



  <table border="1">


    <th>Column 1</th>

    <th>Column 2</th>

    <th>Column 3</th>



    <td>Row 1, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 2, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 3, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 4, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 3</td>




  <table border="1">


    <th colspan="2">Column 1 and Column 2</th>

    <th>Column 3</th>



    <td>Row 1, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 2, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 3, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 4, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 3</td>




  <table border="1">


    <th colspan="2">Column 1 and Column 2</th>

    <th rowspan="2">Column 3</th>



    <td>Row 1, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 2</td>



    <td>Row 2, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 3, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 4, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 3</td>



13- show class usage

<table class=mycss border="1">

14- Put invoice number and customer name

Show how to find it on customize invoice

{{frappe.db.get_value('Customer', doc.customer, 'customer_name')}} - Column 1 and Column 2

{{frappe.db.get_value('Customer', doc.customer, 'tax_id')}} - column 3

invoice number {{}} row1 column1

15- Macro

{% macro myheader() %}

{% endmacro %}

16 - Show the macro multiple times.

{{ myheader() }}


{{ myheader() }}


{{ myheader() }}

17-Code for the header

{% macro myheader() %}

<table class=mycss border="1">


    <th colspan="2">{{frappe.db.get_value('Customer', doc.customer, 'customer_name')}}</th>

    <th rowspan="2"> {{frappe.db.get_value('Customer', doc.customer, 'tax_id')}} </th>



    <td>Row 1, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 2</td>



    <td>Row 2, Column 1</td>

   <td>Row 2, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 3, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 4, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 3</td>



  {% endmacro %}


Make a footer



    table {

      border-collapse: collapse;

      border: 1px solid red;


    th, td {

      border: 1px solid red;

      padding: 8px;




      <td colspan="3">Row 1, Column 1 & 2 & 3</td>

      <td>Row 1, Column 4</td>



      <td colspan="4">Row 2, Column 1 & 2 & 3 & 4</td>




and Grand total ( row1 column 4 ) and total in numbers ( Row 2, Column 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 )

{{doc.get_formatted("base_total")}} and {{ frappe.utils.money_in_words(doc.base_total)}}

20- Put footer also as macro

{% macro myfooter() %}

{% endmacro %}

{{ myfooter() }}

21- Lets save the footer

{% macro myfooter() %}



    table {

      border-collapse: collapse;

      border: 1px solid red;


    th, td {

      border: 1px solid red;

      padding: 8px;




      <td colspan="3">Total Amount</td>

      <td>{{doc.get_formatted("base_total")}} </td>



      <td colspan="4"> {{ frappe.utils.money_in_words(doc.base_total)}}</td>



{% endmacro %}

{{ myfooter() }}

22 - Let us build Item table-header

    <table class=myitemtablestyle>

















      border-collapse: collapse;

      width: 100%;


    th, td {

      border: 1px solid blue;

      padding: 8px;

      text-align: left;

      font-size: 10px;


    /* Set width for first and third columns */

    colgroup col:first-child,

    colgroup col:nth-child(3) {

      width: 10%;


    /* Set width for second column */

    colgroup col:nth-child(2) {

      width: 60%;



23 - Build item table - detail

  <table class=itemtablestyle-details>







    {% set items = ["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"] %}

    {% for item in items %}







    {% endfor %}



24- put the values.

  <table class=itemtablestyle-details>







    {%- for item in doc.items -%}




      <td>{{item.qty }}</td>

      <td>{{ item.get_formatted("amount") }}</td>


    {% endfor %}



25- Page break

 <h1 class="break">Element 1 </h1>

 <p>I am on page-1. It will be printed on the first page.</p>

  <h1 style="page-break-before: always;"></h1>

 <h1 class="break"> Element 2</h1>

 <p>I am on page-2. It will be printed on a separate page due to the page-break-before property.</p>

26- Page break on Item list .

<table class="itemtablestyle-details">








  {%- for item in doc.items -%}




    <td>{{item.qty }}</td>

    <td>{{ item.get_formatted("amount") }}</td>



  {% if loop.index % 9 == 0 %}

    <tr><td>Break the page here </td></tr>

    <tr style="page-break-before: always;"></tr>

  {% endif %}

  {% endfor %}





      border-collapse: collapse;

      width: 100%;


    th, td {

      border: 1px solid blue;

      padding: 8px;

      text-align: left;

      font-size: 10px;


    /* Set width for first and third columns */

    colgroup col:first-child,

    colgroup col:nth-child(3) {

      width: 10%;


    /* Set width for second column */

    colgroup col:nth-child(2) {

      width: 60%;



27- Page numbers .

{% set pages = namespace(current=1) %}

<table class="itemtablestyle-details">








  {%- for item in doc.items -%}




    <td>{{item.qty }}</td>

    <td>{{ item.get_formatted("amount") }}</td>



  {% if loop.index % 9 == 0 %}

    <tr><td>Break the page here </td> <td>current page is : {{pages.current}}</td></tr>

    <tr style="page-break-before: always;"></tr>

    {% set pages.current = pages.current +1 %}

  {% endif %}

  {% endfor %}


28- Total pages

{% set pages = namespace(current=1) %}

{% set pagetotal = namespace(total=1) %}

<table class="itemtablestyle-details">







  {% set = ((doc.items | length) / 9) | round(0, 'ceil') | int %}

  {%- for item in doc.items -%}




    <td>{{item.qty }}</td>

    <td>{{ item.get_formatted("amount") }}</td>


  {% if loop.index % 9 == 0 %}

    <tr><td>Break the page here </td> <td>current page is : {{pages.current}} / total pages {{}} : Total items {{(doc.items | length)}}</td></tr>

    <tr style="page-break-before: always;"></tr>

    {% set pages.current = pages.current +1 %}

  {% endif %}

  {% endfor %}

  <tr><td>Break the page here </td> <td>current page is : {{pages.current}} / total pages {{}} : Total items {{(doc.items | length)}}</td></tr>




Now add head on top and footer in the bottom. And this is the final code

{% macro myheader() %}

<table class=headerCSS border="1">


    <th colspan="2">{{frappe.db.get_value('Customer', doc.customer, 'customer_name')}}</th>

    <th rowspan="2"> {{frappe.db.get_value('Customer', doc.customer, 'tax_id')}} </th>



    <td>Row 1, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 2</td>



    <td>Row 2, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 3, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 3, Column 3</td>



    <td>Row 4, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 2</td>

    <td>Row 4, Column 3</td>



  {% endmacro %}

{% macro myfooter() %}

{% endmacro %}

{{ myfooter() }}

{% macro myfooter() %}

  <table class="footerCSS">


      <td colspan="4">Total Amount</td>

      <td>{{doc.get_formatted("base_total")}} </td>



      <td colspan="4"> {{ frappe.utils.money_in_words(doc.base_total)}}</td>



{% endmacro %}


<table class=headerCS border="1">

<tr>{{ myheader() }}<tr>


{% set pages = namespace(current=1) %}

{% set pagetotal = namespace(total=1) %}

<table class="itemtablestyle-details">



  {% set = ((doc.items | length) / 20) | round(0, 'ceil') | int %}


  {%- for item in doc.items -%}










    <td>{{item.qty }}</td>

    <td>{{ item.get_formatted("amount") }}</td>



  {% if loop.index % 20 == 0 %}

    <tr style="page-break-before: always;"> </tr>

    {% set pages.current = pages.current +1 %}


  <tr><td colspan="4">  {{myheader()}} </td></tr>

  <tr><td colspan="4">Break the page here : current page is : {{pages.current}} / total pages {{}} : Total items {{(doc.items | length)}}</td></tr>


  {% endif %}

  {% endfor %}


 <td><img class="qr-code" src="{{doc.ksa_einv_qr}}"></td>



{{ myfooter() }}



color: blue;

background-color: yellow;

font-style: italic;

border-collapse: collapse;

      width: 100%;



color: white;

background-color: grey;

font-style: italic;




      border-collapse: collapse;

      width: 100%;


    th, td {

      border: 1px solid blue;

      padding: 8px;

      text-align: left;

      font-size: 10px;


    /* Set width for first and third columns */

    colgroup col:first-child,

    colgroup col:nth-child(3) {

      width: 20%;


    /* Set width for second column */

    colgroup col:nth-child(2) {

      width: 60%;



Add a picture. ( QR CODE in this case )


 <td><img class="qr-code" src="{{doc.ksa_einv_qr}}"></td>


Second part in this serial is here

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Team ERPGulf

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Ashutosh Jagudaniya January 23, 2025

Thank you for sharing detailed explanation.

Mitesh Choksi April 10, 2024

Awesome work

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